AmigaSYS is continously developing
since 2004. It possesses a lot of extra solutions, addons and countless
ideas wich makes it a total unique project. The developing costs a lot
of time and work (it is developed by one man), so i ask you if you like
AmigaSYS and you would support the developing, please do not hesitate!
Click on the PayPal logo, where you can help the develop by PayPal (EUR/USD)
and classic bank transfer (HUF/Other). With your support, you can make
the project better, wich is fully noticeable on the quality of the page
and the newer versions!
I will publish the names
of the supporters in the released AmigaSYS versions and on the webpage.
Thanks to those who supported
the development and those who will!
Live/X86 USB
- AmigaSYS 4 Live '09 RR1]
upgrade file:
4 Live '09 RR1 ,Server
1,185 Mb