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Welcome in the AmigaSYS history centrum

For a long time this page was total empty, didn't contained any useful information, it was just some text about the releases. Now this is ends. Here will be the history of AmigaSYS. When, what, why, with dates, from the beginning, until today. I do not promise, that everything will be mentioned, because it's a long time since the beginning, but the important things will be here.

First i would like to thank everyone who helped in developing AmigaSYS, especially Toni Wilen, he is the main developer of WinUAE, wich proved the opportunity for such a complex system like AmigaSYS.

Kris and me, used the Amiga emulator very frequently, we couldn't wait for the new versions, to try our favourite demos / games, maybe they're running better or faster with the new version. Every WinUAE was a new chapter in the history, every version was a great innovation (now too).

At 2001, we started to use AIAB (Amiga In A Box) current versions, i never thinked about to make something similar, there wasn't big PC hardwares and JIT WinUAE, we never installed too much extra program, we were glad, that the 300Mhz S3 Trio+ 3DFX Voodoo combo could load an AmigaOS and we could do something with it. :)

beginning of 2004:
Time passes, and a great breaktrough was begun, the Linux JIT UAE's Windows' port, WinUAE JIT was released!
We're checked the new versions every day, maybe a new beta is out! We still used the AIAB system, but i've soon realized, this won't be enough, the faster CPU emulation allowed to install better user programs. We started to use a very scattered system: AIAB + a lot of program installed, what we needed. 

At then, the AIAB did not showed too much new. We waited a little, maybe it will contain some new, but no, so i decided, we waited enough and i begun to make a system wich uses only the Workbench proved opportunities.

I made my WinUAE system from the zero. When it was done, i sent it to Kris, to prevent him installing for hours, to get a complete system wich used the opportunities of the JIT.

We started to talk about, what kind of programs are missing from the system and after some modifying, our system was finished, wich finally wasn't a base AIAB. After some month, i suggested, what if, we make a webpage, similar to the AIAB, and we could make the system downloadable, because it knows more, a lot of program is newer in it, etc... 

Let's do it!

Kris did the German/English translations, news and the readme checking and i made the system, we spoken every day on ICQ, what should we do and finally a version was done wich was presentable.

After making quickly a webpage, we stuck, what should be the name of the new system? We thought, we shall think some cool, this is only the first version, publish it and if people are interested, then we will change it and if not, then it does not matter. So i named the system as AmigaSYS.

end of 2004:
First AmigaSYS released, wich was a 55 MB package with a lot of extra programs, wich was recommended that time and with some games, demos. It was much more succesful than we expected, it was downloaded over than 3000 times in few days and the next day's download rate caused the problem: we have a lot of webstorage problems, we couldn't upload it anywhere, or if we could, then it was deleted in a few days, because of the huge data transferring, so almost every version was on another server. (Thanks to Birdy, who gave place for a lot of versions on the GACB server.)

The AmigaSYS 1.0 had only AmigaOS 3.0/3.1 support, simple install, lot of extras, a complete system in a few seconds, that was the purpose... The 1.0 version only required the Workbench disk, the later versions needed the Extras disk too, because it contained a lot of file wich was very useful.

Pictures from AmigaSYS 1.0:

I got more than a hundred emails and forum posts, that we should continue. That's why we didn't stop the hobby developing, after a month, AmigaSYS 1.5 arrived, wich contained a lot of visual and settings fixes. The AmigaSYS separated into two packages (system + downloadable files (game/demo), we wanted to lower the size, because not everyone needed the games, there was some people who only needed the system).

Pictures from AmigaSYS 1.5:

beginning of 2005:
Several month after the 1.5, the 1.7 and 1.7.1 patch was released. The 1.7 contained a lot of extra functions, program replacements and newer extras too. The 1.7.1 just fixed a small bug in the installer. The first official addon pack, the Tales of Tamar was came out with the 1.7.


Pictures from AmigaSYS 1.7:

middle of 2005:
AmigaSYS 2 released. I wanted to create something new, by fully using the opportunities of 3.0/3.1, but what should be it? I didn't wanted to put unnecessary things into it, or patch it to make it unstable or extra eyecandy wich makes it slow. I've begun trying to make an AmigaOS 3.9 installer. I've formed a method, wich took three steps and it created an AmigaOS 3.9 enviroment for anyone who had the original AOS3.9 CD.  So, AmigaSYS 2 used png icons, a lot of 3.9 functions, theme selection and it is the first system wich support 3.0/3.1/3.9 in one pre-installed system.

I don't need to say, even the first pictures harvested a huge succes. Everyone waited the release. After half year work, we finally released AmigaSYS 2. It supported 3.9 too, not only 3.0/3.1, i've put a Demo Outro into it, wich was unique and real feeling for the old/new Amiga users (after the installing, an old-school scene-demo runned with the names of the creators). And it did not communicated only in english, it did it in deutsch and hungarian too. An addon pack arrived with AmigaSYS 2 (Beneath a Steel Sky, Lure of the temptress, full version by Revolution Software).

Maybe the real breaktrough came with AmigaSYS 2, the download rate was huge, the file were on several rapidshare servers, home computers, with countless downloading. A forum still breaks a record, where the AmigaSYS 2 topic got 19000 readings, 200 unique and a total of 300 posts!

Pictures from AmigaSYS 2:

end of 2005:
AmigaSYS 3. Half year has passed again and after a lot of work, the new AmigaOS 3.9 support's engine was done, wich automatically recognized the AmigaOS 3.9 cd-s, not only AmigaOS 3.9, it recognized the Amiga Forever and AmigaOS XL, too. New themes, skins, plus programs and the 3.0/3.1 installers supported the install with one or two floppies (Only Workbench, Workbench and Extras), plus the Amiga Forever floppies were supported too.

Pictures from AmigaSYS 3:


Unfortunately, AmigaSYS "broken" here, Kris thought, it does not worth to care about AmigaSYS, he doesn't want to take a part in making the next versions, he thought it's time to stop. At first i thought it too, but people were interested, so i continued without his help (behind his back). Later i thought, i show it to him, but he became angry and expressed his displeasure. We had several discussion... bigger and bigger, at the end, he stated, he quits.

After this i continued the project, but for nothing, the system already communicated in three languages, and the English/Deutsch part was done by Kris until then. At the AmigaSYS 3 Plus version, it seemed, the project will be closed, but i didn't give up, and continued the project totally alone (everything, all versions and the website too), without beta testers and other help. Later i found a good english (TCH) and Deutsch (Huepper) translator. But this version already delayed a year and it only released in the middle of 2007.

Pictures from AmigaSYS 3 Plus:

end of 2007: 
I thought, the project has already proved under WinUAE, so i tried a new challenge: 
I choosen 9 platform, beside the WinUAE version and made AmigaSYS on other systems, to run it real Amiga computers, Linux, PDA, or even XBOX!

I succesfully fulfilled an old dream, i wanted to put the full version of OnEscapee into AmigaSYS as an addon for a long time and by the end of the year 2007, it was done and the popular OnEscapee was arrived for the AmigaSYS systems, not just the emulator, but for real Amiga computers too.

AmigaSYS 4, huge changes compared to the pervious versions, better planned, 5 language fully supported, most AmigaOS version supported in one pre-installed system (3.0-3.9)! New and nice, 262144 coloured pictures, music under installation, extra settings/programs. 

Shortly: very fast, reliable, nice and easy to handle. 10 languaged installation manuals, a lot of unique things, it doesn't take 5 minutes to start, even for a beginner.

The built-in game in AmigaSYS 4, is the full version of Xtreme Racing from Tuna Technologies. 

Currently, we re porting AmigaSYS 4 to the other platforms.

Pictures from AmigaSYS 4:


Interesting things: 

Download stats:

I don't know exactly how much downlads we got from the beginning (2004), because they weren't on my webspace, but it is huge for sure. What is sure, from the beginning of 2007, the data transfer is over 25 GB / week, wich means 400-500 AmigaSYS file and 100-150 addon, when a new version released, it is doubled.

If we count a bit, how many could be this? AmigaSYS 1.0 reached over 3000 in a few days!

What AmigaSYS is the first pre-installed system wich:

Supported AmigaOS3.9, supports 3.0/3.1/3.9 systems, automatically recognize the AmigaOS 3.9 based CD-s, shows demo at install with music and nice pictures with 262144 color, uses PNG icons, offers 7 theme, full CD programs as addons, communicate in 5 language, exists on 10 platforms, Linux Live CD/USB by NebulaH, only 40 MB with everything, very fast!

I could write a page, but the important things are in it.

For the closing: Try it!!!!

Dary / AmigaSYS


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